Nayland Village Hall Bookings Guidance


  1. Read the documents: Terms and Conditions of Hire and Hire Charges . [Updated March 2023].
  2. Check the availability of the hall, meeting room or playing field. You can then make a provisional booking online on the calendar page.
  3. Complete the Booking Form and send it with your cheque to the 'Bookings Secretary'. The address is on the form.

We can also accept payment by BACS to the following account:

Sort Code: 09-01-51
Acc No. 05239305
Account Name: Nayland Village Hall

Note: If you have any queries, please contact the Bookings Secretary at [email protected].

Please observe the following points as it will help you and the unpaid volunteers who run the Hall.

  • Your booked hours must include enough time to set up at the beginning and clear up after your event.
  • Nayland Village Hall has a sound limiting system fitted, the limit has been set at 92 Decibels to comply with environmental health requirements.
  • Please make sure that your booking form and cheque is with the Bookings Secretary by the weekend before your event as the bookings are confirmed online and sent to the Treasurer and Caretaker early on Monday mornings.
  • If you have an alcohol licence form that must be signed off by the VHMC (Village Hall Management Committee) please ensure the Bookings Secretary receives the paperwork before the Committee meeting which is usually held on the first Monday of every month.
  • Please read through the "Terms and Conditions of Hire" and "Important Information for Hall Hirers" which includes all necessary information including where and how to collect keys etc.

If you would like your event advertised, please let the Bookings Secretary know.

Children's Parties

Bookings for a children's party must be for a minimum of three hours. This will allow you enough time to clean up following the party.

The finish time of the party must be at least one hour before another event in the hall. This time is needed by Village Hall Management to confirm that the hall is ready for the next hirer.


If you wish to advertise your event in the Village Hall by displaying a banner along the A134 at either Caley Green or at the end of Horkesley Road then PRIOR PERMISSION must be obtained from the Nayland with Wissington Parish Council and a risk assessment completed.

Please contact the Parish Clerk, Mrs Debbie Hattrell, for more information:

Tel: 01787 880935 / [email protected]

If you have any further questions, please do contact the Bookings Secretary.

Thank you.

Christine Thompson
Bookings Secretary
On behalf of the VHMC
Tel: 07748 953175
[email protected]

Ms Christine Thompson, Tel: 07748 953175
Amy Christie, 5 Meadow Cottages, Wiston Road, Nayland CO6 4FR
Tel. 07368 803850
