The Friends of St. James's Church

Registered Charity No. 1052641


Who are The Friends?

We are an association of people, not necessarily regular church attendees, who love St. James's and who want to preserve its beauty, fabric, furniture and churchyard. We are interested in the history, life and work of this Church and are anxious to maintain its historic presence within the village.

Why does our Church need The Friends?

The annual income of Nayland Church barely covers the normal maintenance of the building. It cannot meet the ongoing need for restoration and moderniseation work which is required if St. James's is to continue to serve its parish and the community in its varied roles.

What do The Friends do?

We have created a fund from subscriptions, donations and fund-raising events from which we contribute to the maintenance and improvement of the fabric of St. James's Church. Each year a report of the previous year's activities and of future needs is sent to Members and the Annual General Meeting is normally held in March each year.

The Friends of St. James' Church, Nayland was formed in 1995. Since that date, and up to the end of 2018 our expenditure on the fabric of St. James' Church has amounted to over £153,000 of which £30,000 went towards the Organ Restoration and a further £30,000 to build the Servery and Lavatory.

 Work carried out during this period has included:

  Further work includes:

In 2010, the Members agreed to a change to our Constitution: This enabled the Friends to contribute not only to the repair and maintenance of St. James' but also towards the running costs of the Parish. Although there has been an improvement in the Parish's finances since then, we always consider the possibility that we may become responsible for funding all maintenance of St. James' and also some of the running costs necessary to maintain our Parish as it has always been.

More information and membership application forms may be obtained from:

Alan Edwards
Tel 01206 262800